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A message to all Year7-11 parents from our Pastoral Team 

As we rapidly approach the end of yet another year and a very busy term for all associated with The Redhill Academy, you will soon receive the Christmas 2023 edition of our newsletter. It never ceases to amaze me how fantastic our students are and what incredible success they achieve across such a wide range of areas. In the build-up to Christmas, we have seen over one hundred students, from year 7 right through to year 13, take part in our musical Shrek, our musicians and choirs leading a brilliant and very diverse annual Carol Concert and many students will be performing in our annual end of term Redhill’s Got Talent, which will be viewed by all students period 3 on Friday 22 December before we break up for the Christmas period. 

We enjoy celebrating a wide range of successes in school with students, including rewarding those who embody the core values and principles of the Academy and those students with consistently high levels of attendance. We will, as always, continue to reward those students who meet these thresholds next term through a range of rewards and activities. 

When our students are in full uniform and wearing it properly, we believe that they are the smartest of any local school and are a real credit to the Academy. However, with many students receiving clothing and jewellery over the Christmas period, can we please remind you to refer to the uniform expectations which are available on the Academy website. This includes the absence of acrylic nails, false eyelashes and unnatural dyed hair.  In the New Year, we will be checking that all students meet the requirements of the uniform policy.  We welcome donations of any pre-loved uniform that we can then use as part of our uniform swap shop and would ask you to bring these along to the main reception.  

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to thank you for your continued support. 

