Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility.
At Redhill Academy, we are absolutely committed to creating a happy and safe environment that is a place for positive learning. Safeguarding our students is paramount. Our team is highly vigilant about safeguarding children and child protection. To keep all of our students safe we need support from our community and visitors.
Take immediate action if you have any concerns. Contact us.
Please inform us immediately of any concerns about our students' safety inside or outside school.
To raise a safeguarding issue, please ask to speak to any of the staff members listed below or email us:
Mrs Booth
Deputy Headteacher
Safeguarding Lead
Miss Whitchurch
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Giles
Deputy Headteacher
Mr Phillips
Senior Head of House
Mrs Berridge
Associate Assistant Headteacher
Miss Royce
House Support Assistant
Mr Cosslett
Head of Smith House
Mrs Warren
Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Miss Simpson
Attendance Officer
Safeguarding Administrator
Children's Social Care: Nottinghamshire County
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Phone: 0300 500 80 90 Email:
Emergency Duty Team (out of hours): 0300 456 4546
Police: 101 or Emergency Services: 999
Safeguarding Children Partnership
Family Lives - Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families.